
Gunnar Does Katie

Uhh, wait I'm not sure that title is accurate. I mean he was in town recently and Katie from Pulse got herself tattooed. Yes-Gunnar did Katie's new tattoo, a wondrous thing constructed of all things Craola. Good clean fun, no hanky panky. I think.


Transmission: adrian lee

Our friend adrian lee dropped this transmission in our mailbox the other day and wanted to make sure the message reached the people. He and his band of guerilla artists are deep into a new book project. As they traverse the globe they will keep posting from the front, and we will keep you informed. It seems art is the new weapon.

BLOODWORK: BROOKLYN from Analog Tattooers on Vimeo.

A Novel Idea? New Dave Fox Art Book

We have the brand new book from tattoo artist Dave Fox in stock here at Pulse. Dave has packed over 10 years worth of paintings into this super colorful book. It is a 9"x 12" Hardcover deluxe edition that we are stocking, featuring 240 pages of paintings. It also features 6 fold out poster style set-ups. If you know Dave, you know the subject matter runs the gambit, from asian myths to cartoon killers to deconstructed flowers. This book has really great energy and a truly unique perspective. Ready to go, $40. a piece -A Novel Idea? The art of Dave Fox.